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Az ingatlanszektor digitalizációja és a smart épületek – a Bird & Bird nemzetközi ingatlanjogi csoportjának budapesti szemináriuma 2017. június 15-én

A Bird & Bird nemzetközi ingatlanjogi csoportja a CBRE-vel együtt közös angol nyelvű reggeli szemináriumot tart 2017. június 15-én, ahol a smart épületekről és a digitalizáció ingatlanszektorra gyakorolt hatásáról lesz szó. Az ingatlanpiac digitalizációja jelentősen megváltozott vagy megváltozó kihívások elé állítja az üzleti élet összes szereplőjét, így a szeminárium valamennyi iparági szereplő számára hasznos lehet.

A részletes meghívó – melyet elektronikus formátumban is szívesen rendelkezésre bocsátunk – alább olvasható. A szemináriumra örömmel várunk minden érdeklődőt. Jelentkezni Horváth Nikolettnél lehet a e-mail címen.


Digitalization of the Real Estate sector and Smart Buildings

Digitalisation is becoming increasingly present in the Real Estate sector. Changing demands of end users in light of new technologies has led to an increased use of automation in the buildings we create and there is an undoubtable need for synergies between building infrastructure, ICT and business systems in order to deliver a successful “Smart Building”.

The changing face of the Real Estate market in light of this technological revolution presents several challenges to be considered during the construction, maintenance, operation and sale of any building.

Held in conjunction with CBRE, members of our International Real Estate group will present the effects of digital disruption within the real estate market, highlight tenants’ current and anticipated demands for office buildings influenced by new technologies available, and discuss the potential business and legal risks related to smart buildings, as well as showing how to handle these risks appropriately.

We will answer the following key questions

  • What are the challenges the real estate market is facing due to digitalisation and digital disruption, in particular considering the German example?
  • What do tenants expect from office buildings? What are the current trends? How does this changes the current mindset?
  • Which issues can arise in the course of cooperation and/or integration of the office building, ICT, and t business systems?
  • How do you protect the data and confidential information gathered during the operation of the office building, and what is the significance of these data during operation or sales?
  • How do you deal with and allocate the (cyber)security risks connected with smart buildings?
  • How can rapidly changing software systems be adapted to the permanent nature of the buildings and their structure?
  • Which practical and legal issues arise in connection with flexible and co-shared workstations?
  • What issues can arise during negotiations and the life-cycle of transactions, lease and maintenance agreements?
  • What are the current trends and energy-efficiency issues emerging in the smart building industry in the UK?

The seminar will be particularly useful for developers, operators, designers, landlords, tenants, and investors.

Entry to the event is free of charge.


Dirk Barcaba, Partner, Bird & Bird Frankfurt

Kathryn Noble, Associate, Bird & Bird London

Péter Rippel-Szabó, Associate, Bird & Bird Budapest

Károly Katkó, Head of Advisory & Transactions Services, Offices, CBRE Budapest

Zoltán Kántor,  BT Division, Sales Engineer, Product Manager, Siemens Zrt.

Moderator: Gábor Helembai, Associate, Bird & Bird Budapest

Place and date / agenda

Freedom Palace 1054, Budapest Szabadság tér 14.

Thursday 15 June 2015, 8:50 – 12:00

8:50 – 9:20 Registration and breakfast

9:20 – 10:45 Presentations

10:45 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 12:00 Panel discussion


adatvesztés, automation, bérleti szerződés, business systems, co-shared workstations, cybersecurity, data protection, digitalizáció, digitalization, energiahatékonyság, energy efficiency, ict, ingatlan, ingatlanszektor, intelligens épület, irodaház, lease agreement, maintenance, maintenance agreement, new technologies, real estate, smart city, smart épület, smart grid, szeminárium, ügyfélszeminárium, üzemeltetés, üzemeltetési szerződés, ingatlanjog